Design Review: Logitech ERGO K860 Vs Microsoft Sculpt Ergonomic Keyboard

Logitech K860 Keyboard

In this design review, we compare ergonomic keyboards from two of the top brands, Logitech ERGO K860 and Microsoft Sculpt Ergonomic.

Read more: Best Ergonomic Keyboards

Full SizedFull Sized with Separate Keypad
Ergonomically curved and split keyset designErgonomically curved and split keyset design
Palm restPalm rest
Multi-Device, Multi-OSNo Multi-Device. Do not support Apple iOS
Bluetooth and Unifying Receiver (USB-A)Dedicated USB Connector
Non-Rechargeable 2xAANon-Rechargeable 2xAA
No BacklitNo Backlit
Compare Logitech Ergo K860 vs Microsoft Sculpt Ergonomic

[tie_index]Clear Winner?[/tie_index]Is There a Clear Winner?

If you need to use a keyboard with multi-device and OS, then Logitech ERGO 860 is the clear choice. Furthermore, it has the Bluetooth connectivity for easy switch between desktop, notebooks, and tablets, regardless of the OS. Note that the OS supported at this time are Windows and MacOS, and does not include Android.

Logitech K860 Keyboard-In the box
Logitech K860 Keyboard-In the box

If you only need to use the keyboard for one device, and prefer a separate keypad for use only when needed, then pick Microsoft Sculpt Ergonomic Keyboard.

Microsoft Ergonomic Sculpt
Microsoft Ergonomic Sculpt

Both keyboards are ergonomically designed, such that the curved and split keyset will allow your forearm and wrist to form a natural angle. The palm rest should also support your wrist to be straight. According to some websites, they stated that such keyboards are good against carpal tunnel syndrome. For both design, even the space key is cut into half.

Logitech K860 Keyboard User Test Ergonomic
Logitech K860 Keyboard User Test Ergonomic

If you need a backlit keyboard, then both of this keyboards do not meet your requirements. We believe that this is due to the double AA battery design. For backlit keyboard, the battery should use rechargeable Lithium Polymer batteries such as those used in the Logitech Craft keyboard.

[tie_index]Other Ergonomic Keyboard Alternatives[/tie_index]

Other Ergonomic Keyboard Alternatives

Perixx Ergonomic Keyboards

The Perixx Periboard-612 Wireless Ergonomic Split Keyboard has both wireless 2.4Ghz and bluetooth. However, it does not seem to have backlit keys or multi-device function but works with both Windows and Mac OS. It has a full keyboard like the K860.

The Perixx Periduo-606 Wireless Mini Ergonomic Keyboard is a compact keyboard like the Microsoft Sculpt, but it does not include a separate keypad. It has no bluetooth and connects via a wireless nano USB connector. It supports only Windows system.

Read more: Best Ergonomic Keyboards

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