Xhero Hero God Faction Skills Reference


xHero is a mobile card game available on both Apple and Android phones. This article lists down the skills and discusses the key strengths of each hero in the God faction in the xHero game.


Key Strengths:

  • The skill Split Sky provides 100% stun chance to one target for 2 rounds at Lv 3.
  • Zeus uses the skill Split Sky automatically when the energy is full (100 points), which will stun another target.
  • Zeus also gain energy when others used skills, which allow him to regain more energy quickly
  • As a result, Zeus is very good at stunning enemy heroes

Skill 1: Split Sky Judnucleusent (Core)

Lv 1: Zeus unleashes lightning to 4 random enemies, dealing 160% attack damage to an enemy and stunning him with 50% chance for 2 rounds, dealing 100% attack damage to the other 3 enemies and stunning them with 15% chance for 2 rounds
Lv 2: Attack damage increased by up to 200% and stun chance increase by up to 70%, attack damage increased by up to 120% and stun chance increased by up to 20% for the others
Lv 3: Attack damage increased by up to 240% and stun chance increase by up to 100%, attack damage increased by up to 140% and stun chance increased by up to 25% for the others

Skill 2: Supreme Power (Core)

Lv 1: Zeus uses the skill automatically when energy is charged by 100 points (Split Sky Judnucleusent Lv 1, no more than once per round.
Lv 2: Zeus uses the skill automatically when energy is charged by 100 points (Split Sky Judnucleusent Lv 2)
Lv 3: Zeus uses the skill automatically when energy is charged by 100 points (Split Sky Judnucleusent Lv 3)
Lv 4: Each time Zeus casts Split Sky Judnucleusent, affects hit rate increases by 10% for 3 turns. It can stack up to 3. (Unlock condition: Equip 9 Exclusive Legendary Relics)

Skill 3: Celestial Realm

Lv 1: Zeus gains energy by 20 points after allies use skills
Lv 2: Zeus gains energy by 20 points, including when Zeus makes a basic attack
Lv 3: Energy gaining increased to 30 points after others used skills

Skill 4: Thunder Power

Lv 1: Zeus’s ATK increases by 15%
Lv2: ATK +20%
Lv3: ATK +25%
Lv4: Increase Zeus’s ATK by 30% (Unlock condition: Equip 3 Exclusive Legendary Relics)


Key strengths:

  • Primary attack damage is via Deadly Venom
  • Can resurrect and restore up to 70% of HP
  • Attacks backline enemies
  • Mass attack all enemies when one enemy hero dies (with at least one stack of Deadly Venom). This is similar to Satan’s Mortal Slaughter.
  • 9 exclusive relics provide 100% chance of extra stack of Toxic Mark (Deadly Venom), causing even more damage.

Skill 1: Toxic Mark (Core)

Lv 1: Orochi spits out 20 drops of venom to random enemies. Each drop of venom deals damage equal to 50% of Orochi’s ATK and applies one stack of Deadly Venom (up to 10 stacks per target), last for 3 rounds.
Deadly Venom: Each stack deals damage equal to 15% of Orochi’s ATK per round. When an enemy with at least one stack of Deadly Venom dies, it explodes. Each stack of Deadly Venom left on the dying enemy deals damage equal to 15% of Orochi’s ATK to all the enemies.
Lv 2: Damage of this skill increases to 80%
Lv 3: Damage of this skill increases to 110%

Skill 2: Regeneration of Terror

Lv 1: Orochi will resurrect and restore 40% of its max HP once per battle when there is at least one other ally alive
Lv 2: Revive with 55% of max HP
Lv 3: Restore amount increases to 70%
Lv 4: Resurrection increases Armor by an additional 20% (Unlock condition: Equip 3 Exclusive Legendary Relics)

Skill 3: Yaotome (Core)

Lv 1: Orochi’s basic attacks deal damage equal to 100% of Orochi’s ATK to the backline enemies, applying them with 1 stack of Deadly Venom
Lv 2: Damage increases to 150%
Lv 3: Damage increases to 200%, 50% chance of applying one extra stack of Deadly Venom, increases to 100% if there is at least 1 debuff on the target
Lv 4: Increases chance of extra stacks of Toxic Mark to 100% (Unlock condition: Equip 9 Exclusive Legendary Relics)

Skill 4: God of Curse

Lv 1: Orochi increases damage dealt to targets applied with Deadly Venom. Damage increases by 30% per 2 rounds.
Lv 2: Damage increases by 50%
Lv 3: Damage increases by 70%


Key strengths:

  • Reduces all enemy’s attack, armor and speed when it is alive
  • Stops enemies from being resurrected after death
  • Increases Max HP when enemy acts
  • 100% chance of demonsealing (stunning) targets with low HP

Skill 1: Reversa of Death (Core)

Lv 1: Anubis opens the Gate to Hell to attack 3 random enemies, dealing damage equal to 150% of his ATK. 50% chance of demonsealing for 2 rounds the target(s) with more than 30% HP. 100% chance of demonsealing for 2 rounds the target(s) with less than 30% HP and dealing extra damage equal to 100% of his ATK to the enemies.
Lv 2: Anubis opens the Gate to Hell to attack 3 random enemies, dealing damage equal to 200% of his ATK. 50% chance of demonsealing for 2 rounds the target(s) with more than 30% HP. 100% chance of demonsealing for 2 rounds the target(s) with less than 30% HP and dealing extra damage equal to 150% of his ATK to the enemies.
Lv 3: Anubis opens the Gate to Hell to attack 3 random enemies, dealing damage equal to 250% of his ATK. 50% chance of demonsealing for 2 rounds the target(s) with more than 40% HP. 100% chance of demonsealing for 2 rounds the target(s) with less than 40% HP and dealing extra damage equal to 200% of his ATK to the enemies.

Skill 2: Death God

Lv 1: When Anubis is alive, all enemies’ attach -5%, armor 10%, and speed -5.
Lv 2: Attack -8%, armor -15%, and speed -10
Lv 3: Attack -10%, armor -20%, and speed -15

Skill 3: Weight of Hearts (Core)

Lv 1: Anubis examines the enemy’s HP at the end of each round and harvests targets with HP less than 20%, dealing damage equal to 5% of Anubis’s max HP. When Anubis kills an enemy, he heals himself for 5% of his max HP.
Lv 2: Anubis examines the enemy’s HP at the end of each round and harvests targets with HP less than 20%, dealing damage equal to 7% of Anubis’s max HP. When Anubis kills an enemy, he heals himself for 7% of his max HP.
Lv 3: Anubis examines the enemy’s HP at the end of each round and harvests targets with HP less than 20%, dealing damage equal to 10% of Anubis’s max HP. When Anubis kills an enemy, he heals himself for 10% of his max HP.
Lv4: Anubis examines the enemy’s HP at the end of each round and harvests targets with HP less than 20%, dealing damage equal to 12% of Anubis’s max HP. When Anubis kills an enemy, he restores 10% HP and 10% Armor.
At the beginning of each turn, lower the SPD of the enemy with the highest ATK by 15 for 1 turn. (Unlock condition: Equip 9 Exclusive Legendary Relics)

Skill 4: Gaze of Death

Lv 1: Anubis stops his enemies from being resurrected after death. Every move of his enemies irritates Anubis and grants him 1 stack, and each stack increases his max HP by 1% (up to 20 stacks)
Lv 2: Each stack increases his max HP by 2%
Lv 3: Each stack increases his max HP by 3%
Lv 4: Max HP of each stack is increased to 4% (Unlock condition: Equip 3 Exclusive Legendary Relics)


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